What We Do in a Session

In the life coaching session we

  • Hold a confidential and encouraging safe space for you
  • Explore and gently uncover: what specifically is, and has been, keeping you stuck, possibly going round and round in circles
  • Gently use your past experiences to learn from and move forward by exploring other ways of thinking and feeling
  • Look at how your thoughts are creating your current experiences
  • Open up possibilities, dreams and desires to encourage realistic choices and time frames
  • Create realistic plans of action: the steps to get you on track, with flexible strategies to keep you there and help you stay focused
  • Celebrate your successes and sustain commitment to your potential when your own self belief falters

I will work with you and alongside you by using motivational questioning and inquiry, challenging your thinking and encouraging action

The session can include some optional movement to help you to relax, to get to deeper feelings, access visualization and creative expression.

We will plan together, setting realistic and achievable goals with follow up action

“It has helped me crystallize my ideas and given me the motivation to shape my life in the best way to benefit me” JR